Kyra Alexandria's UCSD Journal

A textual and visual record of my college journey

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Tuesday October 6, 2015

By 11:37 PM

Was fortunate this morning to have a (relative) sleep-in, ha! I was up by 9 to be on time to a super fun CPU lab where I learned a ton about Word, all types of hacks I never would have even thought of! I loved it!! Check out today's work here!

Feminist Theory lecture was interesting but I was so hungry & tired that it felt long, and I felt bad because the class is so small (less than 30 students) that I'm sure my lack of attention was obvious. But on the good side, Professor Shelby knows my name!

Watched the Quantico pilot. It was good! And the star is beautiful. Even today's ELP session about values was super interesting! (My top 10 values in order of importance with explanations.) Later, I went to this year's first Black Women's Collective (BWC) & I LOVED it! The gathering was small but so relaxing and fun; there was free pizza, great conversation, new friends, and a really great activity in which we designed our album cover and track list. (Pictures forthcoming!)

Because FroYo was 10% off today ONLY, I met up with Athena and Viv around 9 to take advantage of the deal, and I had the most delicious cookies & cream flavor with oreos and whip cream on top, and of course some good conversation :)

When I made it back to my room, I ended the night with more homework!

More to come!

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