Kyra Alexandria's UCSD Journal

A textual and visual record of my college journey

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Friday October 9, 2015

By 4:14 PM

Made it through the morning with no issues (Chem lecture @ 8AM, CPU lecture @ 11AM). Went to CPU lab between sections to wrap up my homework for the weekend! Chem lab dragged by, but ate a meal (I don't know if it was a late lunch or an early dinner, tbh) with my lab partner Emma afterwards. She's nice, and we get along well.

Played Cards Against Humanity with the ladies this evening. The night was super legit with pizza and music, and we had tons of fun. As usual, we ended up sitting outside of 64 again for ice cream/smoothies afterwards. Alvina even joined us which was awesome!

I had to call it a night pretty early though, so I could pack and clean for the ELP retreat this weekend, which was hard because tonight was one of my hottest nights here! :(

More to come!

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