Kyra Alexandria's UCSD Journal

A textual and visual record of my college journey

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Monday September 28, 2015 (Week 1)

By 11:29 PM

First day of Monday classes, which for some rotten reason begin for me, this quarter, at 8AM. Luckily though, I was (basically) able to make it to my classes without a map! Yayyy #FeltSuperAccomplished


After CSE3 lecture, and Rev1 discussion I stopped by Price Center with the goal of eating, and picking up some school supplies. Unfortunately, only the first of those 2 objectives was accomplished. But, I didn't get a delicious milkshake with lunch! :) #TeamChocolate


In Rev1 I met my TA and discussion leader, with whom I share a name! After she let us out early, and I made it back to my dorm and snagged some more AHS (the ultimate goal these days, ha!), I walked over to Price to complete my shopping, purchased a smoothie to accompany my goldfish and waited patiently for the first BSU meeting of the year to begin!

UCSD's BSU is BOMB. They're well put together, fun, event-oriented, intelligent, and exciting! I really enjoyed the meeting, and can't wait to get involved :)

More to come, friends!!

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